Airplay for Exposure Agreement


Your Jazz Radio Network – Airplay for Exposure Agreement

 Read the agreement below and fill in the form. Then click “submit”.


Your Jazz Radio Network is made up of over a dozen affiliated Digital Radio Stations. We are seeking to play music from independent artists on our stations.

The following represents an agreement between the musician, artist, vocalist, musical group, record label, or agent acting on their behalf, and Your Jazz Radio Network, and/or any radio station, webcaster, music source, or web site making us of the Network.

Synopsis of this this “Airplay for Exposure” Agreement.

  • You confirm ownership, publishing rights, and copyright for all music submitted.
  • You cannot use another artist’s music (known as a “cover song”). Submitted Music must be your original composition.
  • If a song is selected for listing, our network of digital radio stations are offered your music for airplay
  • No digital radio station, or Your Jazz Network, or any of its parent companies or owners, will owe you, your record label, agent, agencies of collection, or publisher money – or other form of compensation – for playing or promoting your music.

The explicit intent of this agreement is to gain permission for use of your music, song(s), lyrics, or any musical composition owned by the musician, artist, vocalist, musical group, or record label. In exchange for this use, you agree that the benefit received is exposure of your music. 1) All participants to this agreement admit there is value in songs being played on any online radio station, webcaster, podcast, music source, or web site using Your Jazz Radio Network service; 2) All participants to this agreement consider this exposure as equal and fair compensation for use of the submitted song.

Terms found in this agreement: Musician, artist, vocalist, musical group, record label, or agent acting on behalf of the musician, artist, vocalist, musical group, or record label, shall be referred to as “you.” “your,” or “yours.”

Your Jazz Radio Network, its parent company, and/or any online radio station, webcaster, podcast, music source, or web site affiliated with Your Jazz Radio Netwok (As a group, they are referred to as “Affiliates.”)

Any song, composition, music, or lyrics provided by you shall be referred to as the “product.” “Exposure” refers to the playing of your song on any of the parties outlined above as “making use of this service.”

Webcasters, Online Radio Station, Internet Radio Station, podcast, or Music Source shall refer to any person or company using the Internet as a transmission device for playing music, song(s), or lyrics over the Internet.

Your ownership of the copyright and publishing rights to any music, song, or lyrics submitted by you to the Affiliates is mandated by this agreement. You also agree to inform us of any changes to ownership or publishing rights. Both of these items are considered understood, and are accepted when you click the “submit” button at the bottom of this page.

Should it be discovered ownership of copyright and publishing rights belong to anyone other than you, the Affiliates will attain legal counsel to contest any and all liability to pay, reimburse, exchange money or merchandise to anyone claiming legal ownership to the copyright or publishing rights of submitted product. If a challenge is made relating to ownership of the product you submit, you agree to pay any and all legal fees, court costs, and/or penalties incurred by the Affiliates.

An explicit understanding exists that an acknowledgement by e-mail, or a submission by using the “submit” button below, shall be considered a legally binding act between all parties involved in this agreement: This includes the exchange of e-mail with or without name as long as the originating e-mail address is/has been used by the sending party at any time over the preceding six months, and if that e-mail address appears in the “From” heading as indicated by the recipient’s e-mail software program.

Agreement and Conditions:

You agree to provide product on MP3, or WAV file to the Affiliates with no expectation of remuneration through money, trade or merchandise.

If your song is selected for listing at the Affiliates agree to list your product for Internet radio stations, webcasters, online radio stations, podcasters, or to music sources they have affiliations with. The Affiliates do not promise any guarantee of play, exposer, promotion or use of your product.

The Jour Jazz Radio Network’s sole responsibility is making your music, song, or lyrics available to Internet radio stations, webcasters, podcasters, digital radio stations, and music programmers affiliated with our Network. Songs will be accepted for listing from an artist’s submission.

The decision of your product being listed on Your Jazz is at the sole discretion of Your Jazz Network and its Affiliates. This decision may not be challenged by you, your legal representative, agent, or label.

It is understood by you that the decision to expose your music, song(s), or lyrics to the public rest solely with the Affiliates, as an affiliated Internet radio station, webcaster, online radio station, podcaster, or music source.

The provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon you, your label, your agent, or any successor or merged company or companies acting on your behalf or on behalf of the Affiliates and Your Jazz Radio Network and its parent company. This agreement shall automatically renew annually unless either party submits in writing to the other party an intent to dissolve it.

Written intention to dissolve this agreement must be given at least ninety days to remove reference to you on or our affiliated stations.

Failure on the part of Your Jazz Radio Network, its parent company, or its Affiliates, to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver of its rights under such provision or any other provisions of this agreement.

I understand and agree to all conditions set forth in this “Airplay for Exposure” Agreement.

I also understand that submitting this “Airplay for Exposure” Agreement is a legally binding act between myself, my band, my agent and/or record label, and Your Jazz Radio Network, or any online radio station owned by, associated with or affiliated with Your Jazz Radio Network.



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